tribal dayak kanayatn west kalimantan

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Not many people know what kind of native tribes in Borneo, many stories outside Kalimantan ceritadi less precise about the Dayak tribe, sometimes sounding negative, causing a bad image of the original tribes of Borneo. There is no harm if we are a little familiar with who and what the Dayak tribe. Well, one of the Dayak tribe in the know is easy Kanayatn Dayak, who inhabited the island of Borneo in the district rather Hedgehogs, Pontianak District, Regency Bengkayang Also, a small portion of the district and the district Sanggau Ketapang

Dara Dayak

Clothing Traditional Dayak tribe leather Kanayatn TARAB or Kapuak / Kapoa '. Sleeve-shaped vest called a T-shirt or dress Marote uncit. Cawatnya made of woven cloth or leather Wood called Kapoa. And crown or headband in ginger called Tangkulas. Tangkulas is usually decorated with feathers Ruai / Kuau King, as well as fur hornbills. Sometimes, if there is no Ruai bird feathers, can be replaced with Red Anjuang. Ritual common practice among others Naik dango, Muakng Rate, devices Dayak, and others.

Dayak Ceremony devices

Belief / faith (Religious System)
At the time of the Old Religion generation native Dayak tribe Kanayatn not be separated from customs. It can even be said to affirm traditional religious identity. In everyday practice, people dayak kanayatn never mentions religion as normativitas, but customary. This religious system is not a Hindu Kahuringan system as it is known by people in general. Dayak Kanayatn call God Jubata said. Jubata this is what is said to reduce the indigenous Dayak ancestors Kanayatn bawakng located on the hill (now enter the district Bengkayang). In expressing confidence in Jubata, Dayak Kanayatn have a place of worship called panyugu or padagi. Also needed is also a priest panyangahatn who became a liaison, between man and God (Jubata).

Today many Dayak people who embraced Catholicism Kanayatn, Protetan and a few converted to Islam. Although already embraced religion, can not be said that people abandon their customary Dayak Kanayatn. The interesting thing is that if a Dayak Kanayan converted to Islam, he is no longer mnyebut himself Dayak, but call themselves Malays.

Kanayatn Dayak language use ginger / nana 'and damea / Jare and the cognate. Actually isologis (line connecting the similarities and differences that cognate vocabulary) is very difficult to specify the treasures of the language. This is because the language used is loaded with a variety of dialects and dialect pronunciation. Some examples are: the Dayak people who inhabit the region Kanayatn Meranti (Urchin), which uses the language of ginger / nana 'divided again into the language Behe, padakng bekambai, and language moro. Dayak Kanayatn in the region Menyuke (Hedgehogs) are divided into language-ngelampa satolo ', songga batukng-ngalampa' and angkabakng-ngabukit. other than mixing of dialects and accents that cause mixing of language into a new language. Many Dayak Kanayatn current generation does not understand the languages spoken by the older generation. In a communication today, many Indonesian vocabulary that was adopted and then "on-the Dayak." Example is: original ginger language: Lea, Indonesian: such as, language ginger now: saparati. The language used by the younger generation is now easy to understand because it is similar to Indonesian or melayu.kosa Kanayatn original word on the current generation seems to have started to fade.

Traditional Institutions
Dayak tribe is part of indigenous peoples. Indigenous peoples are communities that live on the origins of indigenous descent over a region, which has sovereignty over land and natural resources, socio-cultural life is governed by customary law and traditional institutions that manage the sustainability of life in society. Kanayatn Dayak customary law has territorial units which dusebut binua. Binua is a region consisting of several villages (formerly radakng / bantang). Each binua have their own autonomy, so that the community binua that one can not interfere with customary law in other binua. Each binua led by a Timanggong (village chief). Timanggong has an impressive array of Pasirah-subordinate (village head) and pangaraga (RW / RT). The three pillars that is the Dayak indigenous institutions Kanayatn
Kinship Consanguinity system uses a system of Dayak Kanayatn bilineal / parental (father and mother). In parse kinship, a child can follow the path his father and mother. Kinship broken on cousin eight times. Kinship is important because this relationship into a review, especially in the case of marriage. this is intended to avoid damaging the offspring.
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Source: Wikipedia & Institute Dayakologi

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Maaf Sebelumnnya Salam Kenal
Ane menawarkan sebuah inovasi baru tentang
cara membuat tepung mocaf tanpa enzim

Pasti agan udah tahu ttg mocaf ,Atau malah Tanya mocaf apaan sih?

Mocaf kepanjangan dari modified cassava flour alias modifikasi tepung singkong
Sebagaimana kita tahu tepung singkong yang kita kenal selama ini dengan sebutan gaplek (jawa) rasanya tidak enak kalo diolah dengan cara biasa seperti jadi tiwul banyak yang gak suka kan? Kecuali yang diolah dengan resep dan bumbu kusus baru tiwul rasanya enak

Mocaf adalah tehnik dimana merubah singkong menjadi tepung dimana tepungnya menyerupai tepung terigu dengan kata lain aroma dan rasa singkong sudah tidak terasa lagi bahkan bisa di bilang terigu 100%

Nah Buat agan yang sedang mencari peluang bisnis baru ini sangat cocok untuk di kembangkan karena potensi keuntunganya sangat menjanjikan dan peluang terbuka lebar karena baru sedikit yang tahu tentang mocaf ini

Kalo Agan mau coba praktek ane beri sedikit gambaran
• Harga singkong Rp 800
• kalo pas musim bisa Cuma Rp 400 per kg

Sementara untuk membuat tepung mocaf 1 kg di butuhkan 3 kg singkong
jadi Rp 800 x 3 = Rp 2.400 ni Modal Per Kilo

Sementara Harga jual mocaf di pasaran bandung sekarang Rp 7.500- Rp 8.000 dan pasti akan terus naik gak bakalan turun.

Jadi Harga jual Rp 7.500 Dikurangi modal Rp 2.400 = Rp 5.100 ini Keuntungan per kg bahkan lebih sementara biaya yang di butuhkan
Hanya bahan baku singkong dan air Saja
Dan prosesnya bisa di kerjakan manual
Agan tidak perlu beli enzim atau bahan lainnya
apabila agan punya modal lebih bisa aja beli mesin buat mempercepat produksi dan menghemat waktu

Coba bayangkan jika agan bisa produksi 10 ton per bulan
Kita hitung :

Keuntungannya Anggaplah Rp 5000/kg x(10 ton=10000kg) = Rp 50.000.000
Di kurangi
Biaya biaya lainya Seperti Bayar Air dan tenaga saya rasa masih bisa bersih Rp 25.000.000,. bahkan bisa lebih

Itu baru 10 ton alias skala kecil coba kalau nanti agan bisa buat skala pabrik yang bisa produksi 50-100 ton perbulan
wow,… kebayangkan bisa beli apa nanti
hubungi 081649112541 tuk lebih jelasnya

Ini bisnis nyata gan dan peluangnya luas sekali karena semua jenis usaha yang berbasis tepung bisa di suplay dengan mocaf atau agan bisa tanya tanya dulu berapa harga mocaf di tempat agan dan berapa harga bahan baku singkng di tempat agan kemudian di hitung pasti ada untungnya gan.
Ok gan gak perlu panjang lebar jika agan ingin tahu lebih lanjut silahkan langsung ke TKP aja
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atau hubungi saya di 081649112541

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